Monday, April 26, 2010

Should I, or Shouldn't I?

Every time I see a child who has to use the bathroom constantly, I always think, "I bet she has diabetes, and they need to get her checked....." But I'm not bold enough to go up to the parent and scare the living daylights out of them.

Although, I would have appreciated it if someone would have said, "Your daughter is almost 6 years old and wearing a size 2T. And she's wetting the bed, when she's never done that, even when she was potty training. And she drinks constantly, and goes to the bathroom constantly. And her eyes are sort of sunken in. You should probably get her checked for diabetes."

There's a little girl on Reilly's soccer team that is 4 years old, and has to go to the bathroom probably every 10 minutes. I know this because my husband coaches the team, and she'll run off the field, mid game, and have to run to the port-a-john, leaving him wondering why they are 1 kid short on the field.

Last Saturday, as I watched her go back and forth and back and forth with her mom, I almost suggested that they get her checked for diabetes. Or better yet, say, "I've got a glucometer in my purse--let me check her blood sugar, and give you a heart attack at the same time!"

But, I didn't. And for the rest of the day, I couldn't help but wonder if she really does have it, and should I have suggested it to her parents.

I mean, come on--if anyone knows the signs of high blood sugar, it's the mother of a diabetic, right? I'm not sure what to do next Saturday. I wouldn't want this family to find out in an emergency room, or get a phone call that the little girl has passed out at school. But I also don't want to blurt out, "I'LL BET SHE HAS DIABETES--AN AWFUL DISEASE THAT SHE'LL HAVE FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE--AND ALSO ONE THAT WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE VERY DIFFICULT! YOU SHOULD HAVE HER CHECKED FOR IT!"

I'm always quick to tell my friends and acquaintances what Maddie's symptoms were, just in case their child may show symptoms, and maybe they should get them checked. The sooner the better is what I believe. It's better than getting a shocking phone call, right?

Hhmmm.....what to do....what to do.....


  1. That's a TOUGH one for sure. I might strike up a conversation with her. Don't scare her... she may simply have a bladder infection or UT infection (fingers crossed).

    Joke with her a bit about running back and forth to the port o potty, she will probably start venting because someone seem interested. Good luck!

  2. There was this 19 year old at church that was chubby all of his life, and one day he walked in and was a thin as a rail. I took on look at him and said, you have lost all this weight practically overnight,,,you may need to be tested for diabetes. He laughed, he just got back from boot camp.

    See if she makes frequent trips next week. See if she has no energy or looks off. Make your decision then. Good luck!

  3. She might have an overactive bladder or a bladder that's too small. I'm with Lora. Strike up a conversation and see where it leads. You could even say "Because of Maddie, I can't help but think of diabetes whenever I see your daughter run to the port-a-john. Frequent urination is a symptom of the disease. I've been debating whether to do or say anything. I don't want to scare you or overstep my boundaries. But as a friend, I'm concerned."

    Good luck with however you decide to handle the situation and keep us posted!

  4. As a Type 1 Mother, I am a little (okay, a LOT) paranoid that my daughter will get Diabetes as well.

    Every little thing that is normal for toddlers to experience there is instantly that wondering that red flag of whether or not it's diabetes (i.e. soaking her diapers twice during the night, drinking constantly) of course it just turns out to be a normal toddler thing. I've checked her blood sugar a couple times "just to make sure" and it has helped my peace of mind.

    I'm not sure what I'd do for others' children, though. It is always a red flag that goes up, though, knowing the signs and how those signs feel. I think I'd do, what others have suggested and strike up a conversation about it. ;)

  5. Suggest it. It could save her life. Believe me.It was a soccer mom and soccer coach that convinced my mom to have me tested (but they thought I was anorexic at 11!)

    Tell them that hopefully it's something small like a bladder infection, but they could be in denial about their daughter's health. If they get angry at you, just know you did your best - it may not be your place, but leaving what could be a serious problem like diabetes unchecked could be life or death for this little girl.

    (But then again, I'm not a parent)

  6. I have had the same issue recently. My friend has a baby girl - just over a year old. She drinks water CONSTANTLY, she frequently blows out her diapers, and she runs into things a lot which leads me to believe her vision may be blurry due to high BG.
    After one Sunday of observing all of these things I called my friend and tentatively suggested that something may be wrong with Baby C. My friend totally shut me down. She was not interested in hearing it... and seemed angry when I offered to test Baby C's sugar.
    I have all but lost contact with this friend. I still think that Baby C has diabetes (or SOMETHING is not right) but her mom is in complete denial.
    All that being said... even having gone through that... I would do it again in a heartbeat if I suspected it in another child. You have some very valuable information that those parents may not even be aware of. You should share your knowledge and expertise with them... and then let them decide what to do with it.
    I am sure you can go about it in a non-scary way... but you should definitely - for the sake of that sweet 4 yr old little girl - try and bring it to their attention. =)

  7. That is a tough one - I would mention it to her. I'm sure her fist thought will be "no way she doesn't have diabetes." But when she is up in the middle of night because her daughter wet the bed AGAIN those words you say may come to the front of her mind and make all the difference.
    I find myself always questioning what to say when it comes to diabetes. How much info. do you give someone who is going to watch her for a short time, How much do you tell people yourfeelings without sounding like your complaining, how much do you tell her friends so she is safe, but they are not scared. Its endless. I'd like to know what you decided to do and how it turned out because I'm sure I'll be in the same position someday.

  8. I would totally talked to the momma!!! I would try to make a joke at first... Like Man when ya gotta go ya gotta go. It's hard being little and learning when ya have to pee..... ya know my daughter would do that to and later we found out.......

    Did you talk to her???

  9. No, I never spoke to her. And honestly, she only came to one game after that. So, I can't help but wonder....

  10. I am constantly wondering about other parents kids when I see what I perceive to be tell tell signs of Diabetes but as you said I can never bring my self to bring a little bit of terror to their lives by suggesting that they get their kids tested. I read this article about a simple blood glucose test commonly used to diagnose diabetes and pre-diabetes.
    The unit has become the preferred method to diagnose diabetes among those who have diabetes but show no symptoms. The researchers in this study were still not comfortable on relying on this method though for widescale public screening.
