Oh my goodness, where do I begin? Yes, I did indeed fall off the face of the earth for a while, but behold, we are back with lots and lots to say.
Maddie is growing into a wonderful teenager, full of live and vitality. Diabetes cannot stop her! She got through the tween and very early teen years and we all survived....barely. :) She is now approaching 15 and is a freshman in high school. WHAT?!? Yes, she will be driving in the near distant future. Why can't we just stop time and keep them little?!?
Something that has become a big deal around our house is running. Maddie knows that in order to stay healthy as she gets older, she has to exercise and eat well. She has become a member of the varsity cross country team at her school. She just competed in her first meet the other day, and might I say that she did exceptionally well for a 14 year old newcomer to the team and WITH DIABETES. She checks her blood sugar and makes sure that she has glucose tablets within grabbing distance, just in case she gets low. Her school nurse, athletic trainer and coach are on top of it with making sure she is okay to run each day/practice/meet. She stays hydrated and makes sure that she is ready to go by the end of the school day. I am so immensely proud of her.
One little accomplishment at a time is very satisfying when you are trying to train someone to be responsible for their own health. I still have to remind her to check and correct after meals and a LOT on the weekends, but she is showing her true independence by taking care of herself and her diabetes while running a 5k every single day. I'd say that deserves a little pat on the back.
Coexisting with dark places.
6 years ago
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